Sunday, April 25, 2010

Being the Picasso of Hair Designing

A real hairdresser is a person who performs a kind of art with his or her scissors, blow-dryer, colors and brushes and with his or her soul. Real hairdressers are talented people and they use their blow-dryer and scissors to shape the hair like a sculptor shapes raw stone and they add their soul into their artwork like a musician does while composing a song.From this point of view, it's not just a hair-cut or highlight or updo that a real hairdresser creates.

It's an artwork and more than creating a good-looking person. It's more than changing how people look, it's about changing people's outlook. It's about how people see themselves, not in the mirror but in their lives.Thus, real hair dressers must approach their professions as if it's a journey between them and their clients. They go with their clients on this journey and help them improve their outlook, feel better and make a change for the better.

Choosing That Perfect Pair of Professional Hairdressing Scissors

A hair dresser can only guarantee that he or she will go with his or her clients on this journey by working with passion and with the desire to make a difference. This kind of approach also creates strong relationships and loyalty.Therefore, the way of exerting your profession in a successful way can't be trying to sell more services that people don't really need. For example, it can't be adding extra colors to earn a little bit more.

Can you imagine that Picasso would add extra colors to his artworks just to earn more if the people who pay for his artworks, offered more for more colorful paintings? Of course not.Because art is performed to make the imagination real in the best way. And for hair dressers, these kinds of quick money-making efforts just underestimate their profession and pull the profits down in the long term. So, to give your profession the real value that it deserves, you should be innovative, passionate and committed to make a difference in people's lives.

Wedding Hairdressers 100's of styles

Only with these values you will become the Picasso of hair designing and the real satisfaction and profits will come.Don't be in the center, don't be average, don't underestimate your profession. If you believe in your talent, go to the edge of your business, be different, make a difference. Don't forget you are an artist and your talent can change lives.Cemil Tolga ALTAY is the CEO and the founder of Venue of Beauty,LLC.He has worked as a manager in a bank's customer relationship management department for 5 years and he focused on branding, differentiating and improving customer loyalty.

Then, as a hair dresser's son, he established Venue of Beauty to fill a need in beauty industry.Venue of Beauty creates the "Next Generation of Hair Salon Experience" for both hair dressers and their clients by tracking clients' visiting information, strengthening relationships between hair dressers and their clients, suggesting unique promotions and campaigns to the hair dressers, offering extra benefits for the member hair dressers' clients and more. Add to Technorati Favorites Bookmark and Share


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